We believe in partnerships. If you believe your business or customers can have a mutually beneficial outcome please get in touch. We'd love to hear from you or go for coffee.

Supply Parnters

What is a supply partner?
A Supply Partner is a legal business that is licensed to sell and distribute medicines and medical supplies. An example could be a Pharmacy, Drug Store, Clinic or Hospital. We would like to partner with you to help facilitate the medicine search process for our end-users.

What is the advantage of being a supply partner?
As a Supply Partner we'll do the hard work in finding you highly valuable customers who are looking to buy medicines from far or near. We take your distribution capability nationwide without you having to establish branches all over the country. 

​Furthermore, as a supply partner you will benefit from:

> Guaranteed source of revenue

> Reduced cost of transaction

> No overheads for marketing/sales

How can you join?
To join as a Supply Partner please call us on 0993506048 or email us on

Demand Parnters

What is a demand partner?
A Demand Partner is a legal business that has marketable audience to whom products and services can be sold. As a demand partner with MedhanET, this business would be promoting our service within their customer base. This could be done through various channels such as websites, social networks, word-of-mouth or other means of communications.

What is the advantage of being a demand partner?
As a demand partner, you'll be participating in a generous revenue share programme where we'll be paying you for every customer that is referred from your business or customer base and makes a purchase. We've 2 types of commission models:

Direct: this is where the customer orders medicines from a supply partner that is on-boarded by MedhanET's efforts

Affiliate: this model is where the customer orders medicines from a supply partner introduced or referred by the demand partner themselves. This model typical attracts a higher commission rate than Direct

How can you join?
To join as a Demand Partner please call us on 0993506048 or email us on